Created in 1997, the Committee of Methodology in Clinical Research (COMERE) has the role of appraising the biomedical studies proposed by the doctors or paramedics of the ICM on research work to be carried out or to be deepened at the ICM, in all areas of the fight against Cancer.
Presentation of COMERE
Animated and directed by Prof. David Azria, Scientific Director of the ICM, COMERE is made up of representatives of the different specialties of the ICM who guarantee its level of expertise.
Its objectives are:
- de valider l’intérêt scientifique et médical de ces études (essais cliniques, bases clinico-biologiques, registres, observatoires …) avant leur ouverture à l’ICM
- d’évaluer leur faisabilité et leur réalisation dans les délais impartis
Mission de la COMERE
- To follow the ICM's cancer research strategy defined by the Scientific Department (whether it is interventional research or not),
- Validate all research project proposals from ICM physicians or paramedics as well as public or private organizations,
- Provide expertise or help guaranteeing the feasibility of projects,
- To assess the scientific interest, the technical feasibility of these projects as well as the necessary human and financial resources,
- Ensure the follow-up of validated projects,
- To decide whether or not to open them and to prioritize their openness and management.