Treatments at the Montpellier Cancer Institute are adapted to each patient treated, with personalized medicine and access to innovative treatments.
The patient's stay can take place at the ICM as part of hospitalization or on an outpatient basis. The ICM has services adapted to all types of care. The care will be punctuated by consultations with doctors and caregivers.
During your personalized care pathway, a global supportive care assessment will be carried out at various key times and you will be referred, according to your needs, to teams specializing in supportive oncology care (algology, physiotherapy, nutrition. , addictology, palliative care, Psycho-Oncology Unit, social service, etc.).
The stages of your treatment path
Consultations :
- Consultation with the doctor
- Programming, if necessary, of additional examinations to be carried out in order to establish the diagnosis.
- In the case of surgical management, the patient will meet with a resuscitator anesthetist before surgery.

The Multidisciplinary Consultation Meeting
During the Multidisciplinary Concertation Meeting, a team of specialists discuss and analyze to define the therapeutic management best suited to the patient's pathology and medical situation.
A referring doctor is appointed to monitor all of the care.

The nurse announcement consultation
The nurse annoucement consultation is offered in order to present the treatment program to patients, explain their treatment and answer any questions.

The Personalized Care Plan
The patient will be given a Personalized Care Plan (PPS) which is a theoretical treatment program that can be completed, modified or even replaced. It includes the treatment decision, the name of the referring doctor for each treatment (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy), the treatment schedule and the places of care, additional examinations and other supportive care offered. Thus, each patient benefits from an adapted treatment path.
Supportive care is an integral part of your care journey at the ICM and accompanies you at every stage of your illness, during and after cancer treatment, but also sometimes when cancer treatments no longer have the expected effect.
Your quality of life can be affected not only by the disease, but also by the side effects of the treatments and sometimes by the consequences of these treatments.
Comprehensive support in supportive care then makes it possible to take better account of the physical symptoms and psychosocial difficulties that you and your loved ones may encounter.
During the stay
Doctors make regular visits. The attending physician is of course kept informed of your state of health.
Respect for medical confidentiality prohibits giving information about your health to third parties without your consent. You will be asked to designate a trusted personn.
Safety of care
It is normal that your identity is frequently requested for security reasons. Your active participation complements the vigilance of professionals in this field.
At the end of the treatment, the care team defines with you the follow-up program adapted to your medical situation.
Social assistance
The social workers of the ICM are available to support patients in all procedures relating to their needs: care for dependency, socio-economic difficulties, assistance with returning home, etc.