Biometrics Unit

The Biometrics Unit, attached to the Scientific Department of the ICM, offers a level of advice and transversal support in clinical research.

The Biometrics Unit has been labeled by the National Cancer Institute (INCa) as one of 10 national Data Processing Centers. It is also identified as a national DATACENTER (National Data Management Center) for clinical trials promoted by UNICANCER R&D in 2011 and renewed in 2017.

Missions of the ICM Biometrics Unit

The Biometrics Unit, attached to the Scientific Department of the ICM, offers a level of advice and transversal support in clinical research.

Its expertise enables the design of clinical research projects by defining the appropriate methodology, ensuring the management of therapeutic trial data, enhancing the clinical-biological databases (BCB), and carrying out statistical analyzes with a view to the promotion of results, through publications in scientific journals or in conferences (oral communications and posters).

It also offers a methodological research axis.

In addition, the Unit has, for several years, been developing its activity in two main areas, which are:

  • data management, which led to it being identified in 2011 as the national Data Center for clinical trials promoted by UNICANCER R&D,
  • the reference center for methodological research, has as a major axis of development the theme of the longitudinal analysis of patient quality of life data and is currently in full expansion on themes related to the design of early trials (CLIPP), radiotherapy trials, surgery and supportive care.

National level participations

The members of the Biometrics Unit participate in the establishment's various strategic research committees (COMERE, CORT).
The Biometrics Unit also carries out independent statistical expertise for academic and industrial promoters, UNICANCER R&D and INCa.
The Biometrics Unit is also integrated into the national platforms supported by the National League against Cancer: Quality of Life Platform and PACAN Oncogeriatrics Platform.

Equipe de la biométrie à l'ICM

The Biometrics team

The team, led by Sophie Gourgou, is made up of:

  • Biostatisticians (including 1 HDR and 1 post-doctoral fellow for methodological research),
  • Data Managers and data managers assistants,
  • Data entry operators,
  • Secretary,
  • interns received regularly.

    They all work in close collaboration with the clinical research teams and the physicians of the establishment.



A multidisciplinary approach

This multidisciplinarity allows the Biometrics Unit to integrate and train new staff and thus respond to the management of complex and innovative projects, such as the ACSé programs of the INCa of Personalized Medicine, as well as data analysis. real life (ESME Unicancer R&D, Breast and Ovary Platforms).

The team in pictures

L'équipe de la biométrie ICM
L'équipe de la Biométrie ICM
L'équipe de la Biométrie ICM
L'équipe de la biométrie ICM
L'équipe de la biométrie ICM
Equipe de la biométrie à l'ICM
Equipe de la biométrie à l'ICM