Translational research

A bridge between basic research and clinical evaluation.

At the interface between basic research and clinical research, translational research at the ICM occupies a strategic place.

It is based on close collaboration between doctors and researchers because it must allow a transfer of knowledge in both directions: both from basic research to application to the patient, but also from observations made in the patient to research. fundamental. Translational research therefore makes it possible to speed up the application of scientific innovations (diagnostic tools, development of biomedical devices or therapeutic approaches resulting from basic research, etc.) for better patient care.


Translational research activity is organized around the Translational Research Committee (CORT), the Biological Resource Center (CRB-ICM) and the Translational Research Unit (URT).

The ICM has structured its research activity to promote the development of efficient, competitive and high-quality translational research. Today, a strong dynamic is in place to optimize the structuring of this research which makes it possible to develop personalized medicine.

Dates of the next CORT meetings where your requests for biological resources and URT expertise needs will be studied.


  • 17/01/2022
  • 14/02/2022
  • 14/03/2022
  • 11/04/2022
  • 09/05/2022
  • 20/06/2022
  • 12/09/2022
  • 10/10/2022
  • 07/11/2022
  • 05/12/2022


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