Quality and safety of care

Quality of care and patient safety are essential to the ICM.

The ICM teams are vigilant about the quality and safety of patient care.

Political quality


It is in this spirit that the ICM's quality approach was initiated in 1996, with the oncology labeling of the Centers for the Fight against Cancer. It is now integrated into the Establishment Project and results in concrete actions at all levels of the establishment. The program to improve the quality of healthcare safety is structured around 4 axes:

  • Optimize the patient journey by strengthening coordination and organizational innovation (early integration of supportive care, patient resources, integrated research), 
  • Ensure the safety of patients and staff through continuous training and evaluation of professional practices,
  • Prevent the infectious risks associated with healthcare,
  • Develop a Corporate Social Responsibility policy: quality of life at work, development.

"The safety of care is a growing and legitimate requirement of all healthcare users and for all patients". High Authority of Health 


Les certifications à l'ICM

Haute Autorité de Santé

Depuis 2003, l’ICM fait partie des établissements certifiés par la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS).
Consulter le dernier rapport  

ISO 20387 du Centre de Ressources Biologiques (CRB)

Le CRB est certifié pour ses activités de biobanking par AFNOR Certification, initialement en 2014 selon la NF S 96-900, puis depuis 2023 selon la norme ISO 20387. Le CRB a pour vocation la constitution de collections de ressources biologiques humaines qualitatives et annotées, dans le respect de la législation et des règles éthiques.
Après validation par le comité scientifique, les collections peuvent être mises à la disposition des chercheurs de l'ICM mais également des équipes de recherche publiques et privées nationales et internationales.

ISO 9001 de la Recherche Clinique et Translationnelle

Les Unités de Recherche Clinique et Translationnelle (incluant l’unité de Biométrie et le CRB) sont certifiées ISO9001 v15. 
Cette certification par l’AFNOR initiée en 2017, est renouvelée tous les 3 ans avec des visites de surveillances annuelles. 
Internationalement reconnue, la norme ISO 9001 permet de garantir à tous, patients, médecins et partenaires, un haut niveau de qualité et de sécurité dans la gestion des projets de recherche.

Quality and safety indicators of care

The ICM uses indicators developed by the HAS to measure the level of quality and safety of care. The establishment publishes the results of these indicators to inform you about the quality of your care at the ICM.

8 indicators of the quality of your care

Quality and safety of your care

Quality of care and patient safety are priorities for the ICM. Continuous improvement initiatives are carried out at all levels of the establishment thanks to the involvement of each of the professionals.

Certification as drivers of progress

The certification process enables the ICM to provide a relevant response to the expectations of patients and their families and to the constantly evolving requirements of public authorities.
The ICM has thus been certified by the HAS since 2003. The (CRB) and ICM Clinical Research also meet other French and international certifications.

Health vigilance: a preventive watch in the use of health products

Health vigilance makes it possible to reduce and prevent the risks associated with the use of health products by implementing corrective or preventive actions. The ICM is organized to ensure preventive monitoring of incidents related to the use of these products.

  • pharmacovigilance for drugs and raw materials for pharmaceutical use
  • haemovigilance for the entire transfusion chain, from the donor's sample to the recipient's post-transfusion follow-up, of labile blood products
  • materiovigilance for medical devices
  • reactovigilance for in vitro diagnostic devices
  • infectiovigilance to control nosocomial infections or infections associated with care
  • radiation protection to reduce the risks associated with ionizing radiation used in treatment
  • identity vigilance to limit the risk of errors related to patient identification.


Identifying yourself properly is to ensure your safety

We need to identify you properly because many professionals will take care of you throughout your treatment at the ICM.
In order to avoid any errors, especially in the spelling of your first and last names, we ask you to present an official piece of identification upon admission.
All patients receive an identity bracelet upon arrival at the hospital ward to ensure their identity and secure their care.
Throughout your stay, several health professionals will ask you for your name, first name, etc. It's normal.

Verifying your identity at each stage of your care is part of a mandatory protocol and is a guarantee of security. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.